The demos and apps on this page are proof-of-concept prototypes and by no means final products. We would like you to join us and explore the possibilities of machine learning for bird song identification with these applications. If your’re interested in a collaboration, feel free to contact us.
Stefan Kahl
I am a research scientist and Ph.D. student at Chemnitz University of Technology since January 2014. My works include the development of AI applications using convolutional neural networks for visual recognition, bioacoustics for environmental monitoring as well as mobile human-computer interaction design.
Follow me on Twitter: @kahst
Holger Klinck
I joined the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in December 2015 and took over the directorship of the Bioacoustics Research Program (BRP) in August 2016. I am also a Faculty Fellow with the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future at Cornell University. In addition, I hold an Adjunct Assistant Professor position at Oregon State University (OSU), where I lead the Research Collective for Applied Acoustics.
Ordered alphabetically: Chris R. Pelkie, Cullen Hanks, Danny Kowerko, David Winiarski, Dimitri W. Ponirakis, Jay McGowan, Justin D. Kintzele, Marc Ritter, Maximilian Eibl, Michael S. Pitzrick, Russ Charif, Sarah Dzielski, Shyam K. Madhusudhana, Thomas Wilhelm-Stein